Marksman Solutions

Who started this?

Meet Taj!

The Founder and CEO  

Taj grew up in Chicago! Played football at The University of Indianapolis.  

After college he found himself in real estate and then in sales.

He moved to Kansas City to partner doing sales with a large client.

He won ‘Rookie Owner of the Year’ his first year in business from his impact in the company and the community.

My Core Values:

Personal Development

I want every employee to grow!
Personal growth was what changed my life, I just want to give it back.


Be yourself at at all times! No need for masks or facades.


Good things do not come easy. You gotta have the drive and determination to reach higher!

Marksman Solutions Mission:

Change how to view success. Everyone starts at the same spot.
From there, learn, grow, and take next steps together.

Why the name Marksman?

Taj Talks

“A Marksman is a sharp shooter. They develop skills that allow this title. The life we live is all about hard work and hitting goals.” 

On a more personal level, Taj’s last name is Marks and a family member has Multiple Sclerosis. Starting this business has meant a lot to him and they are a huge motivation.

My Story:

When I joined:

When I opened and till now!

Want to work with us?
Get in touch!



